Thursday, June 27, 2024

The 2023 Cannes Critics’ Week Lineup

After the official announcement of the 2023 Cannes Film Festival last week, this morning, the lineup for the 62nd edition of Cannes Critics’ Week was announced. The parallel lineup of 11 features (seven in competition and four as special screenings) will run from May 17th -25th. The list of first-time and second-feature films (the shorts will be announced at a later date) from emerging filmmakers was whittled down from over 1,000 submissions and overseen by the French Syndicate of Cinema Critics. The jury will be led by director Audrey Diwan (“Happening“) and will consist of German actor Franz Rogowski (“Passages“), Sundance programmer Kim Yutani, Portuguese cinematographer Rui Poças (“Frankie“), and Indian journalist Meenakshi Shedde.

Power Alley (Levante) (Br-Fr-Uru)
Dir. Lillah Halla

Il Pleut Dans La Maison (Bel-Fr)
Dir. Paloma Sermon-Daï

Inshallah A Boy (Jor-Saudi-Qat-Fr)
Dir. Amjad Al Rasheed

Sleep (Jam) (S Kor)
Dir. Jason Yu

Lost Country (Fr-Ser-Lux-Cro)
Dir. Vladimir Perisič

Le Ravissement (Fr)
Dir. Iris Kaltenbäck

Tiger Stripes (Malay-Tai-Sing-Fr-Ger-Neth-Indo-Qat)
Dir. Amanda Nell Eu

Ama Gloria (Fr) – OPENING FILM
Dir. Maria Amachoukeli

The (Exp)erience Of Love/Le Syndrome Des Amour Passés (Bel-Fr)
Dir. Ann Sirot & Raphaël Balboni

Vincent Must Die (Fr)
Dir. Stéphan Castang

No Love Lost (La Fille de Son Père) (Fr) – CLOSING FILM
Dir. Erwan Le Duc

Which films are you looking forward to the most? How do you feel about the way the 2023 Cannes Film Festival is shaping up so far? Are you planning to attend the festival this year? You can check out my reactions to the lineup here. Please let us know in the comments section below or on our Twitter account.

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Matt Neglia
Matt Neglia
Obsessed about the Oscars, Criterion Collection and all things film 24/7. Critics Choice Member.

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