By Matt Neglia
The 2014 retrospective continues this week with director Dan Gilroy’s directorial debut “Nightcrawler” starring Jake Gyllenhaal in what has been hailed as a career-defining performance. How has the film’s themes held up over time? What do we think of the other performances in the film from Rene Russo, Riz Ahmed and Bill Paxton? Tune in below to find out from myself, Nicole Ackman, Dan Bayer, Josh Parham & Danilo Castro. Also be sure to check out our other 2014 reviews of “Selma,” “Ida,” “Foxcatcher,” “The Grand Budapest Hotel,” “Wild“, “Inherent Vice“, “Whiplash” & “The Imitation Game.”
This is a preview of the podcast, the full version of which is only available to those who subscribe to us on Patreon. For the small price of $1 a month, you can receive this review along with other exclusive podcast content, so be sure to subscribe here.
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You can follow Matt, Nicole, Dan, Josh & Danilo and hear more of their thoughts on the Oscars and Film on Twitter @NextBestPicture, @nicoleackman16, @dancindanonfilm, @JRParham & @DaniloSCastro