Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Next Best Picture Podcast – “Till”

For this week’s second podcast review, I am joined by Dan Bayer & guest Kathia Woods. Together we’re reviewing the latest film from director Chinonye Chukwu, “Till,” starring Danielle Deadwyler, Jalyn Hall, Frankie Faison, Haley Bennett & Whoopi Goldberg. Based on the horrifying and heartbreaking true story of the murder of Emmett Till, the film follows his mother, Mamie, and her relentless pursuit of justice for her son. Much has been written about Danielle Deadwyler’s incredible performance, and we’re here to share our thoughts along with several other topics regarding the film. Please be sure to see the film if you can, come back, and listen to our discussion. Thank you, and enjoy!

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Matt Neglia
Matt Neglia
Obsessed about the Oscars, Criterion Collection and all things film 24/7. Critics Choice Member.

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