“Mafia Mamma” is a crime comedy film by director Catherine Hardwicke (“Thirteen” and “Twilight“) which tells the story of a middle-aged woman (Toni Collette) who unexpectedly gets called to Italy by Bianca (Monica Bellucci) to attend her grandfather’s funeral, not realizing what she’s really being called for is to run the notorious crime family her grandfather was the previous leader of. Bellucci was kind enough to spend some time speaking with Zoe Rose Bryant, while Hardwicke dedicated some talking with Ema Sasic about their respective work on the film, which is now playing in theaters from Bleecker Street. Please take a listen down below and enjoy! Thank you!
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You can follow Zoe & Ema and hear more of their thoughts on the Oscars and Film on Twitter @ZoeRoseBryant & @ema_sasic