By Matt Neglia
It’s that time of the year again! If you’ve been following our 2013 retrospective this summer on the podcast, then you know it’s time for all of you to let your voices be heard and break out your own nomination ballots for the best that 2013 had to offer. This is your chance to re-write history by casting your nominations in our ballots down below. The deadline to submit is July 30th. The nominations will be announced on the NBP Podcast on August 1st, with voting on the winners to begin the following day.
We have been conducting retrospective podcast reviews of 2013 movies, which you can listen to refresh your memory for what the year brought us. Check out our reviews of “Captain Phillips,” “Philomena,” “The Wolf Of Wall Street,” “The Great Gatsby,” “Her,” “Inside Llewyn Davis,” & “Dallas Buyers Club,” with “Frozen” due later this week.
Click below to fill out your ballot and help create the 2013 NBP Film Community Awards nominations.
​​​* Please do your best to use the FULL FILM TITLE in your submission responses. For the acting categories, please state the actor AND the film you wish to nominate them for.*
Thank you.
You can follow Matt and hear more of his thoughts on the Oscars and Film on Twitter at @NextBestPicture