By Matt Neglia
We’re back for another show of television talk. Last month, we announced that we’re launching a new format for Next Best Series. Much like Next Best Theatre, members of the NBP team get together once a month to talk about what television shows they’re currently watching or re-watching. This month’s show is unique due to the Presidential Election we just went through. We talk about the experience of watching non-stop news coverage for a week , including new shows such as “The Queen’s Gambit,” “The Undoing” and more! Joining me for this episode we have Michael Schwartz, Nicole Ackman and Dan Bayer. We encourage everyone to give us feedback on this new format and let us know what you think. Enjoy!
This is a preview of the podcast, the full version of which is only available to those who subscribe to us on Patreon. For the small price of $1 a month, you can receive this episode along with other exclusive podcast content, so be sure to subscribe here.
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You can follow Matt, Michael, Nicole & Dan and hear more of their thoughts on the Emmys and TV on Twitter at @NextBestPicture, @mschwartz95, @nicoleackman16 & @dancindanonfilm