Our 2010 retrospective continues with the third film in the “Toy Story” franchise, the ultra-popular, critically successful, and Academy Award-winning animated film “Toy Story 3,” starring Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack, Ned Beatty, Don Rickles, Michael Keaton, Wallace Shawn, John Ratzenberger, Estelle Harris, and John Morris. Heralded as a beloved classic at the time of its release, the film (at the time) brought a close to the journey of the toys we had come to know and love on screen for fifteen years and their relationship with their owner, Andy. The result was one of Pixar’s greatest triumphs to date in storytelling and eliciting tears from its audience. How does it hold up fourteen years later? What’s our relationship with the franchise? Please tune in and listen to Nadia Dalimonte, Josh Parham, and I discuss our thoughts on the writing, voice performances, classical film homages, tone, its awards season run, and more in our SPOILER-FILLED review. Thank you for all your support, and enjoy!
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You can follow Matt, Nadia & Josh and hear more of their thoughts on the Oscars and Film on Twitter @NextBestPicture, @nadreviews & @JRParham