Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Next Best Picture Podcast – Interviews With The Production Designer & Cinematographer For “The Green Knight”

By Matt Neglia 

There’s no denying that David Lowery’s A24 fantasy epic “The Green Knight” is one of the most visually stunning achievements of 2021. Every design element had to be meticulously planned, constructed, and executed to bring the Arthurian legend to the screen. Two of the people most instrumental in that process were Production Designer Jade Healy and Cinematographer Andrew Droz Palermo. Both were kind enough to spend a few moments with me discussing their work on the film, their collaborations with Lowery, and what they have coming up next. If you’ve seen the film, you know this is a conversation worth listening to! Enjoy!

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Matt Neglia
Matt Neglia
Obsessed about the Oscars, Criterion Collection and all things film 24/7. Critics Choice Member.

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