“Masters Of The Air” premiered on Apple TV+ at the beginning of the year, earning strong reviews for its storytelling, performances, and incredible craftsmanship, rightfully earning its place alongside the legendary WWII miniseries “Band of Brothers” (2001) and “The Pacific” (2010). Based on the 2007 book by Donald L. Miller, the show follows the actions of the 100th Bomb Group, a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bomber unit in the Eighth Air Force in eastern England during World War II. Actor Callum Turner, who plays Major John “Bucky” Egan, Visual Effects Supervisor Xavier Matia Bernasconi, and Virtual Production Executive Steve Jelly were all kind enough to spend some time talking with us about their work on the show. Please be sure to check out the limited series, which is available to stream in full on Apple TV+ and is up for your consideration in all Emmy categories. Thank you, and enjoy!
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