“Under The Bridge” follows the true crime murder of Reena Virk, based upon the book of the same name by Rebecca Godfrey. Developed by Quinn Shephard, the series drew acclaim for its direction, writing, and performances from its cast. One of those cast members is Javon Walton, who, following the success of his role as Ashtray in “Euphoria,” has gone on to star in “Utopia,” “The Umbrella Academy” and now “Under The Bridge” as Warren Glowatski. An actor and professional boxer, the young seventeen-year-old has a bright future ahead of him, and he was kind enough to spend some time talking with us about his work on the miniseries, which you can listen to below. Please be sure to check out the show, which is now available to stream on Hulu and is up for your consideration in all eligible Emmy categories. Thank you, and enjoy!
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