Friday, February 7, 2025

The Next Best Picture Podcast – “Avatar: The Way Of Water”

For this week’s main podcast review, I am joined by Amy SmithCody DericksDaniel Howat & Brendan Hodges. This week we’re reviewing what can only be described as the biggest film of the year, “Avatar: The Way Of Water,” starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldaña, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang & Kate Winslet. The film has been 13 years in the making since the original film, “Avatar,” shattered box office records to become the highest-grossing film of all time. With a high frame rate, 3D, IMAX formats, and technological advances in CGI and motion capture performance, Cameron is pushing the limits of what’s possible in filmmaking once again. What did we think of it? How does it hold up to the first film? How did we feel about the characters, story, and action set pieces? Plus, what does Cameron have planned for the other sequels in the epic sci-fi franchise? We discuss all of this and the film’s Oscar prospects in our review below. Thank you for listening, and enjoy!

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You can follow Matt, Amy, Cody, Daniel & Brendan and hear more of their thoughts on the Oscars and Film on Twitter @NextBestPicture, @filmswithamy, @codymonster91, @howatdk & @metaplexmovies

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Matt Neglia
Matt Neglia
Obsessed about the Oscars, Criterion Collection and all things film 24/7. Critics Choice Member.

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