By Matt Neglia
The Anerican Film Institute has officially announced their list of the Top 10 Best Films Of 2018. Historically, their picks tend to line up with the nominees for Best Picture with somewhere in the 6-8 range (With one or two exceptions). Last year, all of their picks with the exception of “The Big Sick,” “The Florida Project” and “Wonder Woman” all went on to receive Best Picture nominations at the Oscars. What did they choose this year?
Click below to see the list.
Black Panther
Eighth Grade
The Favourite
First Reformed
Green Book
If Beale Street Could Talk
Mary Poppins Returns
A Quiet Place
A Star Is Born
So what are your thoughts? Which of these films do you think will be nominated for Best Picture? Let us know in the comments below.
You can follow Matt and hear more of his thoughts on the Oscars and Film on Twitter at @NextBestPicture