By Will Mavity
Earlier this year, we put up a poll for you all to select sources of material that could be potential contenders for Best Adapted Screenplay this year. The top 3 choices were Boy Erased (previously reviewed here), Beautiful Boy (previously reviewed here) and now First Man by James R. Hansen. As with the previous episodes, we examine the source material which the feature length film is based on, going into an in-depth discussion into the work’s themes, characters and our predictions as to how it will all translate to the screen. These podcast episodes are exclusive to our Patreon subscribers but we have included a preview of the latest episode after the jump. For the small price of $1 a month, you can get the full episode, so be sure to subscribe here.
For the final episode of Next Best Adaptation myself & Kt Schaefer read James R. Henson’s massive biography on Neil Armstrong titled “First Man: The Life Of Neil Armstrong.” The adaptation is directed by Damien Chazelle, stars Ryan Gosling and Claire Foy and is currently playing in theaters.
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You can follow Will & Kt and hear more of their thoughts on the Oscars and Film on Twitter at @mavericksmovies & @kt_schaefer