Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Next Best Series Podcast: “True Detective” – Season 3 Episodes 1-3

By Matt Neglia 

Jacey AldredgeJosh Parham and I are back with a new season of television to talk about with all of you on the Next Best Series Podcast starring Oscar winner (and soon to be nominee once again) Mahershala Ali in HBO’s “True Detective.” After the misfire that was “True Detective” Season 2 a few years ago, has writer/creator Nic Pizzolatto learned his lesson and brought us something that harkens back to the greatness of Season 1? We discuss this and more in our first of 3 recaps of HBO’s hit series.

This is a preview of the podcast, the full version of which is only available to those who subscribe to us on Patreon. For the small price of $1 a month, you can receive this review along with other exclusive podcast content, so be sure to subscribe here.

Thank you so much for listening. You can subscribe to the Next Best Picture Podcast on SoundCloudApple PodcastsSpotifyStitcherGooglePlayTuneinPlayerFMAcast & Castbox or you can listen down below. Please take a moment to review us on Apple Podcasts here. ​​

True Detective

By Matt Neglia 

Jacey AldredgeJosh Parham and I are back with a new season of television to talk about with all of you on the Next Best Series Podcast starring Oscar winner (and soon to be nominee once again) Mahershala Ali in HBO’s “True Detective.” After the misfire that was “True Detective” Season 2 a few years ago, has writer/creator Nic Pizzolatto learned his lesson and brought us something that harkens back to the greatness of Season 1? We discuss this and more in our first of 3 recaps of HBO’s hit series.

This is a preview of the podcast, the full version of which is only available to those who subscribe to us on Patreon. For the small price of $1 a month, you can receive this review along with other exclusive podcast content, so be sure to subscribe here.

Thank you so much for listening. You can subscribe to the Next Best Picture Podcast on SoundCloudApple PodcastsSpotifyStitcherGooglePlayTuneinPlayerFMAcast & Castbox or you can listen down below. Please take a moment to review us on Apple Podcasts here. ​​

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You can follow Matt, Jacey & Josh and hear more of their thoughts on the Emmys and TV on Twitter at @NextBestPicture@jaceyaldredge & @JRParham

You can follow Matt, Jacey & Josh and hear more of their thoughts on the Emmys and TV on Twitter at @NextBestPicture@jaceyaldredge & @JRParham

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Matt Neglia
Matt Neglia
Obsessed about the Oscars, Criterion Collection and all things film 24/7. Critics Choice Member.

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