By Matt Neglia
The Next Best Series Podcast is back to reviewing an actual television show for once instead of just talking about the Emmys (But don’t worry, those episodes will be back soon) as myself, Michael Schwartz & Ryan C. Showers give our initial thoughts on HBO’s new Miniseries “Sharp Objects” starring Amy Adams, Chris Messina and Patricia Clarkson & directed by Jean-Marc Vallee (“Demolition” and “Big Little Lies”). Ryan has read the book where Michael and I have not and all three of us have different reactions to the first half of the series so far. We will be back in 4 weeks to give our analysis of the show’s final four episodes and thoughts on the series as a whole.
This is a preview of the podcast which we have uploaded for everyone to enjoy. The full version of the review is for our Patreon members only which you can subscribe to for at a minimum $1 a month in order to get this and other exclusive podcast content.
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You can follow Matt, Michael & Ryan and hear more of their thoughts on the Oscars and Film on Twitter at @NextBestPicture, @mikemovie & @RyanCShowers