By Matt Neglia
For this month’s Patreon review on the Next Best Picture Podcast, I am joined by Michael Schwartz, Dan Bayer and Patreon subscriber Andrew Puhr. Together, the four of us do something we have never done on the podcast before and that is give you a joint review of multiple films for both our Last Best Picture and Throwback Review, voted on by you, the dear listeners of our show. With the success of Bradley Cooper’s 2018 version “A Star Is Born,” we are taking a look back at the 1937, 1954 and 1976 versions that came before it.
This is a preview of the podcast, the full version of which is only available to those who subscribe to us on Patreon. For the small price of $1 a month, you can receive this episode along with other exclusive podcast content, so be sure to subscribe here.
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You can follow Matt, Michael, Dan & Andrew and hear more of their thoughts on the Oscars and Film on Twitter at @NextBestPicture, @mikemovie, @dancindanonfilm & @apuhr